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JCB ISO Compliance Technician, Evelyn Ruff receives her first Pfizer vaccination from Coastal Care Partners at JCB’s onsite vaccine clinic.

From the very onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, JCB took a proactive approach to protect their employees and continues to do so with extraordinary measures.

 “Out of concern for our employees and as the situation changed, JCB has continually adapted procedures to be the most up to date with CDC recommended guidelines,” said Tonya Poole, vice president of Human Resources for JCB North America. “Currently, we’ve implemented office rotations with half of our team present at a time, require temperature checks upon entry, set up hand sanitizer stations throughout our facility, require masks at all times when employees move throughout the building, and have restricted visitors.”
Continuing this proactive approach, in January, JCB implemented mandatory PCR COVID testing every Thursday which is available both at the office and offsite for those who were working on remote rotation. Additionally, new leave policies support employees who must take time off related to COVID, and in June, the company offered antibody testing for any interested employee.
“And now that the vaccine is available, we’re offering vaccines at no cost for our employees and their immediate family members to help protect them against COVID,” Poole explained. “The vaccines are being administered on-site and each person who is immunized will be given a gift card in recognition of their consideration of others.”
As a leader in the manufacturing industry offering world-class agriculture and construction equipment, JCB has also been a leader in responding to the COVID virus quickly and proactively in the best interest of their employees.

Just as we innovate our products to meet and exceed our customer’s needs, we’ve adjusted our working environment with a JCB ‘never content’ attitude, determined to support our customers while keeping each other safe.
Tonya Poole | Vice President of Human Resources