Since its’ founding 70+ years ago, JCB has been known as a leader in sustainability initiatives worldwide. These initiatives are based on the philosophy and strategy of JCB Sustainable Innovation which focuses on the challenges of minimizing our environmental impact while supporting the communities in which we operate. It combines JCB Think Eco which is concerned with our business operations and encompasses pollution prevention, waste management, energy efficiency, carbon management, travel and our supply chain; JCB Efficient Design, which focuses on product responsibility; and JCB Community, which delivers our social engagement programs to our employees and the communities in which we operate. 

When JCB opened its North American headquarters in Savannah, GA in 2000, the expectation was that JCB carry the sustainability flag across the Atlantic and plant it firmly on the ground in Savannah—and we’ve done just that. Since 2008, JCB has partnered with Nexeo Solutions, LLC, a global leader in the distribution of chemicals, plastics, composites and environmental services to create and carry out a sustainability program working towards 0% landfill waste.  Prior to launching the program, 100% of the waste JCB’s Savannah location generated ended up in local landfills that percentage has decreased over 90% since. 

JCB worldwide is dedicated to continuing to locate and implement the newest and most effective sustainability initiatives available. As a company, we do everything that is reasonable and practical to optimize the benefits and minimize the impact we have on our environmental footprint and the communities in which we operate.